The study aimed to analyses respond on metabolic rate glycogen deposit and morphological development of brown marbled grouper juvenile reared in different feeding frequency. The result of study provides new information on feeding frequency in the rearing technique of brown marbled grouper juvenile.
The study was conducted from September 2006 until August 2007 in Laboratory of Nutrition, Centre for Bracckishwater Aquaculture Ddevelopment, Takalar, Laboratory of Aquatic Animal Physiology, Faculty of Marine Scienses and Fisheries Hasanuddin University and Laboratory of Physiology, Faculty of Animal Medicine, Bogor Agricultural University. The study was conducted in randomized completed design, 3 x 3 with the treatment of feeding frequencies (A) two times per day, (B) four times per day and (C) six times per day.
The result of the study showed that study showed that feeding frequency significantly affects the metabolic rate and glycogen deposit of brown marbled grouper reared from 20 to 50 days old juvenile. Based on the metabolic rate performance, feeding frequency decreased as the juvenile age increased. Feeding frequency of 6 times daily was suitable for 21-27 days old juvenile, 4 times daily for 28-34 old juvenile and 2 time daily for more than 34 days old juvenile. However, feeding frequency significantly affects on glucogen deposit on up to the age of 25 days juvenile. Morphological development and melanophora pattern were not affected by the different feeding frequency. Based on the observation of morphological development and glycogen deposit, feeding frequency twice daily was enough for the growing of brown marbled grouper juvenile.
Author : Zainuddin
Fakultas Ilmu Kelautan dan Perikanan UNHAS
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